Monday, November 16, 2009

Genius Moron!

Last night’s game was interesting looking back at it now. According to me it underlined the difference between a genius and moron which is absolutely nothing. If Bill could pull it off it would be considered genius. Alas it didn’t work!

Hopefully it will be a catalyst for better season like it did in 2006. Go Bill. Go Pats!

Friday, October 23, 2009


I wish there were classes for original thinking. I know you must be thinking that defeats the point of original thinking but I meant more on the lines that nurtures original thinking. Recently I read that a column in NYtimes that had an interesting article that original thinking actually comes to us from early age and it is more prominent for kids with unstructured learning. That kind of has empirical data that many entrepreneurs and geniuses somewhat come from less learned background or decided to drop out soon. While my structured learning tells me that world at a given point can sustain given number of Socrateses otherwise it would end up being much a mess. These things don’t really help me because I can neither undo my structured learning nor I have chance to drop out now.

Note to self: Bathe naked in a bath tub under an apple tree until I get an idea.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

I have always been averse of politics for the usual reasons and most of the times refrain from reading anything about it. And have always desisted writing anything about it. But politics are a necessity it seems. It governs almost everything in the society. Starting from birth, what to eat, drink, and breathe, what diseases to be contacted and to certain extend when you can die.

I seemed to have an impression that India would need more time to iron out the chunks in its bureaucracy and eventual the system would fall in place. System would be more efficient as the democracy grows older and much more mature. While in many ways India seem to be mimicking the western world and its rapid growth and development propelled by population explosion; it seems to be heading in somewhat right direction. I am no expert on projecting how many more decades or that matter even century for India to become a world power but I believe it will eventually get there. But I am not sure if politicians would get any “better”; I don’t know what the right word is for that. Because it seems there can be only one kind of politician. My belief is further strengthened after watching the politicians here of late. Or maybe if I had listened to my history teacher Ms. Harriet I wouldn’t have had eureka moment for an obvious thing in human history.

Before I digress and conclude to a Nihilistic view about human nature in general I want to stop and take a break!

Note to self: Relax Tiger!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Thus spoke Nietzche

I woke up in the middle of night startled. It was a thunderstorm. All I could think of is who killed Jack. I suddenly remembered he quoted Nietzsche weeks ago.

He had said “Of all that is written, I love only what a person has written with his own blood.”

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

I have fits of inspiration to write something obtuse after reading 36 pages of "Thus spoke Zarathustra". But I am so drenched with the book that all I can think of now is Metamorphosis of spirit into camel, camel into lion, lion to child. Yashu is beyond the 36 pages mark, meaning "The Lost Symbol" clearly isn't a thought provoking book.

I already know what I want to read next. "A Mathematician's Apology". The best part is that it is an essay and it's freely available on that link.

Mr. Nietzsche has something to say about "On Reading and Writing" so back to the book.

Thus spoke Kalkoholism.

Note to self: Concentrate!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Scarlet Love

DailyLit is having 50 word mini-crime-noir challenge. My first attempt with meek masala story.

Scarlet Love
It was so swift and surreal that he wasn't aware of the blood drenched shirt. But he knew in his heart that, betrayal had to end. He could hear the sirens coming for him. Only reason he lived was no more. One deep breath and he jumped into the darkness.

Good Habits!

Lately I have been having problems with continuing my good habits that I have started. For that matter coming to think of it I have had that problem for eternity it seems. For instance I started reading a book for couple of days and then I gave up on it and then I started another. Right now I have started 3 books and I can’t seem to have the drive to finish it. I didn’t realize this until Yashu pointed this to me. Looks like I am having commitment issues to my books after being committed. On related note Yashu has accused me of conning her, by telling her that I was/am an avid reader. That is another reason to finish what I have started.
The Crux of the problem is the amount of “good habits” that I have been generating per day. I am like the cottage industry of “good habits”. Now that I have identified the problem I think it should be easier to limit them.

On a different note I woke up last night when a photosynthetic alien attacked me. Way better than unnecessary weird health insurance nightmares.

Note to self: Go easy on NPR and black coffee.

Thursday, September 3, 2009


I often wonder how it is to have an opinion about everything in the world. I could never imagine myself having an job in which all I have to do for living is have an opinion. Not really sure what failed in my system, whether it was just my upbringing, education or mutation. Something terribly went wrong. Another thing to fret about on another sleepless night.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


If I could cast aside my bad memories like Dumbledore then I wouldn't have had sleepless night like this. Nonetheless blogging might do me some good. I have couple of memories to cast aside.

A girl backed into my car while I was parking. I am feeling low that my awesome car is dented!On another note my TV decided to die on me while I was watching Entourage! And then my phone decides to have it's way and commit self suicide.

Time to replace those memories with iPhone, 50" TV and Silver Civic in that order.

Friday, July 31, 2009

The Visitor

The movie was good in parts and promised more than it could deliver. Considering I found the movie while browsing channels it's more than a decent watch.

Official Gmail Blog: Send mail from another address without "on behalf of"

Official Gmail Blog: Send mail from another address without "on behalf of"

My Eureka moment!

In past couple of weeks I have been watching movies like Divine secrets of ya-ya sisterhood, Over her dead body and The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants even though I had choices like Incredible hulk , X-Men and Predator and more manly choices. I even had Bourne Ultimatum as one of the choices and this movie is, or maybe was, like EnglishSwades” to me!! I have been troubled and have lost sleep over this thinking why sudden but yet this gradual change. Until it hit me like flash floods from no where when I saw the Soy Milk truck!

I had read Dangers of Soy Milk and dismissed it as just another theory developed by dairy Milk guys. But decided to play it safe and discontinue drinking soy milk. Unfortunately for me I had enough of Soy Milk already to undergo this transformation.

Note to self: Watch Terminator this weekend.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Free e-books has an e-book fair. You can download as many books as you want until Aug 04 2009 for free. Thanks to Priyanka for the link.

I am so excited and have been downloading books for couple of hours. There is nothing like free stuff!

RiskoProcrasto syndrome

RiskoProcrasto syndrome is a condition in which people procrastinate to such an extent that they start living on the edge. They get highly addicted to risk involved in procrastinating. Even though the syndrome has a novel name to it there seem to be evidence that it did exist since dawn of Homo sapiens. Archaeologists have recently found that prehistoric men seemed to suffer from it. Evidence shows that they would wait until last microsecond to micturate and then run out of the cave to do it. While there is an alternate school of thought that they might have suffering from enlarged prostate. Even though I don't suffer from the above condition yet. I seem to have issues with work and other errands. Diagnosis to this disease is not easy since it does have single primary tell to it and many times gets misdiagnosed as laziness. Since there is so little known about this terrible disease there aren't any treatments available for this. But placebo seem to give some sort of temporary relief. So I have taken the onus upon myself to find cure for this.

On separate note "Life of David Gale" is awesome movie.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Self improvement

I am conducting clinical tests on myself to diagnose which diseases I suffering from. This effort is directly funded by Self improvement bill that has been just passed in my head. Passing this bill wasn’t straightforward and was fervently debated from both sides of the head. While the proposers of the bill passionately argued that I need to constantly work on improvements and the opposers logical argued that why fix something that is not broken. I don’t want to digress and go into details as how it was passed in the end. Like most of the ill written movie scripts I want to just jump and directly name the result of first set of diagnosis without details on how it was done. Condition is called RiskoProcrasto syndrome.
Coming soon…(Signs and Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment for RiskoProcrasto syndrome.)


You run around the whole world to find out what you want, only to find out you always had what you wanted.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

I have a temptation to write something morbid tonight. Then I take a deep breath and it dawns on me. In grand scheme of things in this universe I don't matter, no matter what I do. That surprising makes me happy and let's me sleep peacefully at night.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

The little girl and candy box!

Today while I was at the grocery store I saw this little girl next to the candy vending machine. She was waiting for her bigger sister to get her candy from the vending machine. While her sister was figuring out the vending machine this girl with her big cute eyes was looking at the other vending machines. Maybe in her mind wondering how it would be have all the candies or maybe even plotting to break open them(Geras line of thinking). I didn't really wait to know what happened after that. Hopefully it had half decent happy ending with her sister figuring out the vending machine and eventually giving her the candy.

While I walking past this I began to wonder to myself when was the last time I had that look in the eye. Sadly I couldn't recall the last time and Gera also concurred too. That is when it dawned on me that I am OLD!

Friday, May 15, 2009


The Big Banyan tree near my house fell down yesterday. It had grown so big that it split itself into three pieces! It’s really sad. It was the icon of the Monkey Park!

Thursday, May 14, 2009


Slow boring day. But remember do the right thing.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Do the right thing.

Monday, February 9, 2009


My blog is in recession like the economy and needs a stimulus package right away. Like Obama Obama said Failing to act could lead to a Catastrophe. “My blog is not perfect” . “No blog is. I can’t tell you for sure that everything in this blog will work exactly as I hope, but I can tell you with complete confidence that a failure to act will only deepen this crisis.”

Thursday, January 8, 2009


It has been a while and lots of things have changed. Most of the things have changed for better and few for worse. But it’s good to be back!