Saturday, April 16, 2011

Just re-read 16 pages of Sulman Rushdie's book Midnight Children and I have suddenly have a strong urge to write something. Something creative. Something fasinating. get the hang of it.

Unfortunately 140 twitter characters aren't enough for this deluge!!

Bad news!!

I just ran out of it!! Hate when that happens!! It’s like waiting for M. Night Shayamal movie!! So much Hype!

Monday, April 11, 2011


..maybe NOT!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Monday, November 16, 2009

Genius Moron!

Last night’s game was interesting looking back at it now. According to me it underlined the difference between a genius and moron which is absolutely nothing. If Bill could pull it off it would be considered genius. Alas it didn’t work!

Hopefully it will be a catalyst for better season like it did in 2006. Go Bill. Go Pats!

Friday, October 23, 2009


I wish there were classes for original thinking. I know you must be thinking that defeats the point of original thinking but I meant more on the lines that nurtures original thinking. Recently I read that a column in NYtimes that had an interesting article that original thinking actually comes to us from early age and it is more prominent for kids with unstructured learning. That kind of has empirical data that many entrepreneurs and geniuses somewhat come from less learned background or decided to drop out soon. While my structured learning tells me that world at a given point can sustain given number of Socrateses otherwise it would end up being much a mess. These things don’t really help me because I can neither undo my structured learning nor I have chance to drop out now.

Note to self: Bathe naked in a bath tub under an apple tree until I get an idea.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

I have always been averse of politics for the usual reasons and most of the times refrain from reading anything about it. And have always desisted writing anything about it. But politics are a necessity it seems. It governs almost everything in the society. Starting from birth, what to eat, drink, and breathe, what diseases to be contacted and to certain extend when you can die.

I seemed to have an impression that India would need more time to iron out the chunks in its bureaucracy and eventual the system would fall in place. System would be more efficient as the democracy grows older and much more mature. While in many ways India seem to be mimicking the western world and its rapid growth and development propelled by population explosion; it seems to be heading in somewhat right direction. I am no expert on projecting how many more decades or that matter even century for India to become a world power but I believe it will eventually get there. But I am not sure if politicians would get any “better”; I don’t know what the right word is for that. Because it seems there can be only one kind of politician. My belief is further strengthened after watching the politicians here of late. Or maybe if I had listened to my history teacher Ms. Harriet I wouldn’t have had eureka moment for an obvious thing in human history.

Before I digress and conclude to a Nihilistic view about human nature in general I want to stop and take a break!

Note to self: Relax Tiger!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Thus spoke Nietzche

I woke up in the middle of night startled. It was a thunderstorm. All I could think of is who killed Jack. I suddenly remembered he quoted Nietzsche weeks ago.

He had said “Of all that is written, I love only what a person has written with his own blood.”