Thursday, March 20, 2008


This is a short story of a man who went to sleep and woke up an eon later. Now people are smarter, faster, healthier and younger! He should have been extinct like his other Jurassic relatives. He is petrified to sleep again and wishfully thinks, this a nightmare and he will wakeup anytime soon. Somebody please tell him, he is living his nightmare.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Funny me!!

VenkatLakshmi: Hey! Meet my sweetheart Chelsea!

Harsha: Dude it’s a he!!As it is life is hard enough, you don’t want to give him a girl’s name.

VenkatLakshmi: Looks like you talk from experience Harsha.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Very few things surprise me these days. Mithya was one such thing on dull uneventful Tuesday night. Thanks to Ms. Priyanka Sarkar for her recommendation! A must watch.